June 12, 2016


I arrived home wet from the rain for having to ride my bike from work. It's not that I have to, you know. Riding my bike just gives me this cute illusion of being in London, or Paris, or Tokyo. Haha. Not to mention that I can save P60 for not having to commute. And that's actually my only exercise, if you can consider that one. Today's the second time that I completed my home-office-home route scratch-free. For me, it's a big accomplishment knowing how busy the streets are, how nervous I am whenever I'm at it, and how clumsy I am.

Since I was able to spare a few monies today, and since there wasn't any food left, I decided to buy a cheap pizza, a coke and a couple of beers. Call it cheat day. My boyfriend's gonna drop by before he goes to work so we need some foodies while watching a movie later. Sweet life!

Posted via Blogaway

June 10, 2016


Everyday I scold myself for reading a novel instead of Doc 4444.

Cancel Hiatus

I'm back. Wordpress was actually a lot better but I can't let this blog go, despite the export feature. I've put a lot of efforts into this years ago and I just can't let it go now.

I'm back. Not that I have much to say though. I'm no longer in the mood to talk much about what has happened or what is happening lately. I've been to busy with things to come up with a sensible blog. My mind's been full of thoughts but I can't seem to put words into them to give them justice. And yes, I'm lazy to type.

I'm back. Same as before, my first few paragraphs are just like a senseless stream of words trying to explain something and of which needs a reply as short as 'Okay'.

Anyway, I'm back. For the benefit of reviving this blog. And I'm trying to empty my brain from not-so-important things so I can concentrate on more pressing matters at hand, firstly, my upcoming check-out. I need to study like hell. My dryruns are just as bad as my study habits. My coffee dosage is doubled now but my sleeping hours are just the same, in fact they're getting longer. Haha. Too much excuses, I'm just actually lazy.

I now have a cat by the way. His name's Moki. He's Persian, and loves to bite and sleep on his back with his legs wide open. He's just one of the countless gifts my boyfriend gave me. Lucky me.

No, I don't wanna go into a lot of details about my awesome boyfriend and my awesome relationship because the Internet is getting creepier and nosy-er. I wanna keep it and us private because what we have is something special. It's not for public consumption and definitely not for entertainment. The Internet has loads of information already that everyone can pass up to become a private investigator. People love to talk about themselves all the time, eh? And they're actually so passionate about what they believe in that sometimes it becomes funny. I could go on and on about it. Some other time maybe.

Just like that, I'm saying bye!

Posted via Blogaway


I can't seem to let go of you.

So I'm staying.

Hello again, blogger!